faithfully twiddling my thumbs while I wait for my plane to be called. I've just spent the last two weeks overseas, and while I'm going to miss being abroad, it's going to be nice to be home again. (and the snow! I missed the first snow!)
I spent most of that time visiting family (I'm taller than most of them now. XD ), sleeping, and eating lots and lots of good food. I swear I've gained five pounds in the past week alone. I've never appreciated just how completely void of anything to do vacations are. No deadlines, no classes, no expectations other than waking up before noon (if even that, haha). I've mostly caught up on all the TV I've missed this semester, and made quite a head start on catching up on sleep.
I had quite a weather shock though, I went from cold and dry Charlottesville to hot and humid. Next time I go back, I'm packing shorts and t shirts (that's how hot it is). (They just called for a passenger named Tumbling Twist to come to the counter. That's.. quite an interesting name.)
School hasn't started yet, if that's what you guys are wondering. It's that my sorority is opening another chapter in a college somewhat near my school, so I decided to go back and help out. A couple days after that is UVA's own recruitment, so those of you who are interested in Greek life, you'll be getting an earful in a week!
Ah, and that's the call to board, I'll be in touch.