Definitely not. Not at this time of the month at least. The weather's been strangely odd for a May in Charlottesville. First it was cool and breezy the first two weeks, now it's up in the 100s. Whenever the weekends roll around, it threatens to storm and drown everything on the street. But then it doesn't. Whenever I walk outside I feel like yelling up at the sky 'make up your mind'! Thankfully, we do get the four seasons here, and the hot weather only extends into the first two weeks or so of school. So not too unbearable. But after summer comes one of the most beautiful seasons for Grounds -- autumn.
During autumn the leaves are turning color, there's a cool breeze and the smell of well, autumn in the air. It's utterly breathtaking and is so magical that after bombing a midterm once, I ended up with a smile on my face after I walked back to dorms. Who can feel upset when it's so beautiful outside? Alright, so I may sound a bit loony here. Moving on.
Winters aren't too harsh, but we still get snow. I had a fun time sliding down the hill in Lambeth Field (Lambeth = one of the upperclass housing dorms) last winter. The work crews do a pretty good job of clearing the roads and salting the sidewalks, so again, not too bad.
Winter usually lasts until March, and then spring kicks in. I'm not such a huge fan of spring, I find all the slush and wetness really annoying, but it's another favorite season for students here. Flowers spring everywhere, everything is thawing, it's not as cold anymore.. and the CavDaily seems to run 10 thousand pictures on how the weather is warming up. Hehe.
Other work duties call (I'm working for UVA this summer just because well, I love this place that much!), I'll be back.